
PAAIA’s Houston Chapter Welcomes Cyrus Habib

September 25, 2012, Houston, TX – On September 23, 2012, PAAIA members and friends from Houston hosted two events in honor of Cyrus Habib, a candidate for the Washington State House of Representatives. 

A Rhodes Scholar and a graduate of Yale Law School, Habib is the official Democratic Party nominee for the 48th Legislative District.  His campaign is being supported by a bipartisan list of local, state, and federal leaders, including U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, both Washington Democrats.   If successful, Cyrus will be the first Iranian American elected to state office in the country.  He recently won over 56% of the vote in Washington’s primary election on August 7th

The first event, held at Herring Hall, School of Humanities of Rice University, witnessed an inspiring lecture by Habib.  The event was co-sponsored with the Rice Iranian Students.  Audience members enjoyed learning more about Habib’s life story, the reason why he is running for public office, and his plans for the state of Washington if elected.

Habib said that despite having lost his eyesight at age 8 to a rare form of childhood cancer, his parents encouraged him to be independent, self confident, and work hard to achieve any goals he set for himself. A proponent of civic engagement and public service, Habib believes in giving back to the society which has afforded him opportunities to be successful both academically and professionally.

A question and answer session followed the lecture and at the end of the event, Habib spent time meeting and speaking with inspired audience members, including students.   

Later in the afternoon, a fund raising reception was held at the house of Shoaleh and Asghar Nosrati, where approximately 80 guests accepted the invitation to meet with Habib. Participants were astonished by his warmth, sincerity, depth of knowledge, and determination.   Habib shared his reasons for running and how in the past several months he has knocked on more than 15,000 doors in his district to introduce himself to potential voters.

PAAIA’s Houston Chapter has once again conducted an informative event and a very successful fund raising reception for a rising star and new face of leadership within the Iranian American community.   

Click here to learn more about Cyrus Habib for State Representative.

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