
February 13th, 2012 – PAAIA Launches Capitol Hill Internship Program

PAAIA Launches Capitol Hill Internship Program


PAAIA FlameFebruary 7, 2012, Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) is pleased to announce the launch of its Capitol Hill Internship Program (CHIP), which aims to promote increased civic participation by young Iranian Americans.

The CHIP program will offer college students or recent graduates of Iranian descent the unique opportunity to get a firsthand look at our nation’s legislative and political process. In conjunction with Congressional offices in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, applicants who are accepted will spend approximately 6-8 weeks during the summer living and working in the nation’s capital.

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PAAIA Brings Nowruz to Elementary Schools Nationwide


Haft-Sin (Persian: ??????)February 8, 2012, Washington, D.C. – For young children born and raised in the US and celebrating every American national holiday, explaining the concept behind Nowruz, a tradition basked in over 2500 years of history, can be a daunting task. Similarly, parents keen to share their history and heritage with their American friends and other parents don’t always have the tools and resources to do so. Building on its successful efforts to pass the Nowruz Resolution through both Chambers of Congress in 2010, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) launched its Nowruz Project in March 2011. The Project, offered for the second year, provides parents of elementary school children with resources and information they can use to present this joyous celebration at their children’s schools.

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Asian Law Caucus Releases Farsi Translation of May 2011 Publication, “Know Your Rights: The Impact of the U.S. Sanctions Against Iran on You”

By Asian Law Caucus

Asian Law CaucusFebruary 9, 2012, SAN FRANCISCO, CA- The Asian Law Caucus, a San Francisco-based civil rights organization, released a Farsi-language translation of its Know-Your-Rights publication on the Iranian Transactions Regulations (“Iran Sanctions”), which are the most relevant sanctions program restricting commercial and financial dealings with Iran. The publication, which is an exact translation of the May 2011 English-language report, provides a general guide to the scope of prohibited and permissible transactions under the Iran Sanctions, and illustrates the numerous ways these regulations impact Iranian-Americans.

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