Daniel Khoshkepazi - PAAIA

Daniel Khoshkepazi

Daniel Khoshkepazi the Director of Civic Engagement and Democracy

Director of Civic Engagement and Democracy

Daniel Khoshkepazi

Daniel Khoshkepazi is a seasoned young professional with a background in program management, student affairs, and non-profits. He joins the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) as the Director of Civic Engagement and Democracy (DCED). This new position plays a key part in educating and mentoring the next generation of Iranian Americans by managing PAAIA’s Civic Leadership Program (CLP) as well as creating meaningful partnerships and building support for democracy education and civic engagement. 

His passion for mission-driven work has led him through various experiences, most recently including Main Street Manager in Baltimore, where he provided essential support to small businesses, organized community events, and helped promote commercial revitalization.  

Daniel also served as a Community Development Fellowship Coordinator at the University of Baltimore, where he helped grow the program to include a higher number of placements and the first-ever summer class. These roles and his educational background, including a Master of Arts in Global Affairs and Human Security, have equipped him with a unique skill set to tackle various challenges.  

As the Director of Civic Engagement and Democracy (DCED) and former CHIP fellow, Daniel is dedicated to carrying forward the legacy of excellence in empowering the next generation of Iranian Americans. His unique professional experience, community involvement, and academic background position him as a “program development and management” subject matter expert for the next stage of growth of the Civic Leadership Program. 

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