
Participate in the Nowruz Commission Logo Contest

By PAAIA Staff

December 27, 2010, Washington, D.C. –  In 2010, the Nowruz Commission was established as a multi-cultural not-for-profit organization for the purpose of promoting Nowruz, a time-honored ancient Persian tradition celebrating the arrival of a new year. Nowruz occurs on the first day of spring at the exact moment of the vernal equinox and continues to be celebrated by Iranians and other cultures in West and Central Asia as a time of renewal and cleansing.  The Nowruz Commission provides a forum for people of all cultures to recognize and celebrate Nowruz by collaboratively developing and providing about this celebration’s scientific and philosophical significance.

The Nowruz Commission held its first annual multicultural celebration at the Library of Congress on March 17, 2010.   The celebration included representation from the Iranian American community and the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, the Krygyz Republic, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Ukraine.

This year, the Nowruz Commission is pleased to announce an international competition to design the Commission’s official logo.  All members of the nine countries represented in the Nowruz Commission are encouraged to participate in this competition.  The winning entry will become the official logo of the Commission and will appear on its web page, stationary, business cards and official publications.  The designer of the winning logo will receive a $2500 prize.

Click here to learn more about the rules of the competition.  All entries must be submitted no later than January 30, 2010.  Please submit your design and help further celebrate this ancient tradition.


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