
PAAIA Statement on Iran Protest Over Fuel Price Hikes

Contact: Shannon Kuehn
Email: shannon@paaia.org
Phone: (202) 828-8370


Washington, DC – Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) issued the following statement following the Iranian government’s sudden decision to ration gasoline, sparking violent protests.

“As Americans of Iranian heritage, we are closely following the protests in Iran resulting from rising inflation, economic mismanagement, corruption and pressure from U.S. Sanctions. We support the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people including their right to freedom of assembly, expression and speech. We condemn any use of violence against civilians seeking to peacefully exercise these rights and are deeply concerned over reports that access to internet may have been restricted by the Iranian government. Since 2008, PAAIA polling data has consistently shown that Iranian Americans want to see the promotion of human rights and democracy in Iran. PAAIA stands in solidarity with the people of Iran who value a free and democratic nation.”

The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian organization that serves the interests of Iranian Americans and represents the community before U.S. policymakers and the American public at large.

November 17, 2019

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