
PAAIA Releases Congressional Scorecard for 115th Congress

For Immediate Release:
Contact: Morad Ghorban
Email: morad@paaia.org
Phone: (202) 828-8370

PAAIA’s Congressional Scorecards rate votes, sponsorships, and statements by members of Congress that affect the Iranian American community. Published biennially, the primary purpose of the scorecards is to ensure that Iranian Americans are informed of the voting records and performances of their members of Congress. In addition, the scorecard aims to hold members of Congress accountable for their votes and positions on issues of concern to the Iranian American community.

In this year’s scorecard, PAAIA focuses on legislation and congressional actions regarding U.S.-Iran relations, the Travel Ban, and immigration issues. We have also included a “Nowruz” section for the resolution introduced in the House of Representatives that celebrates and brings awareness to Nowruz.”

Click here to view this year’s Congressional Scorecard.

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