
PAAIA Releases Ad in Support of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Starring Comedian Maz Jobrani

September 11, 2015, Washington, DC – On this day, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) joins our nation in commemorating the anniversary of the most horrid act of terror in our generation.  PAAIA also acknowledges yesterday’s congressional developments on the Iran deal as a victory for peace, and is releasing a new video in support of the international agreement over Iran’s nuclear program. We will continue to air television commercials on Sunday news shows this weekend.  The full collection of our ads can be viewed here or at PAAIA.org.


PAAIA represents Iranian-Americans who want freedom and reform in Iran.  We recognize Iran’s isolation has bred hostility and resentment.  The nuclear agreement drafted by the P5+1 and signed by President Obama represents an important first step to ending Iran’s global isolation, reducing the chance of a nuclear arms escalation in the region, and promoting peace throughout the Middle East.

Many Americans don’t know an Iranian-American. They have a mistaken view of Iranian-Americans, mostly formed by media reports on Iran that are focused on the political situation there and its relations with the United States. It doesn’t help that some politicians, domestic or otherwise, want to promote myths or demonize Iranians as a whole. 


Inclusive of our national communications campaign in support of the nuclear accord, PAAIA’s new commercial shows Iranian Americans are patriotic Americans.  We put America’s national security interests first, which is a big part of the reason we support the nuclear agreement with Iran. Moreover, we are a lead proponent of a call to civility in our national discourse when it comes to broad labeling of nations and ethnicities.  There must be a distinction made between people, nationalities, and the politics.  That is what we believe America stands for, and that is why we are proud to call ourselves Americans first. 

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