
PAAIA’s Statement on Supreme Court’s Travel Ban Decision

WASHINGTON, DCToday, the Supreme Court announced it will hear arguments regarding the legality of President Trump’s revised Travel Ban in October, while partially reinstating the travel ban for the next 90 days.

The decision allows the Executive Order’s temporary ban of citizens from six Muslim-majority nations into the U.S., with an exception for those who can “credibly claim a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.” The exemptions could include foreign nationals with close familial connections in the U.S., students who have been admitted to an American university, workers who accepted an offer of employment from an American company, or a lecturer invited to address an American audience.

PAAIA is concerned that the decision lacks sufficient guidance for the proper interpretation and implementation of the ruling by the Trump administration. Moreover, the court’s decision is problematic for refugees who are unable to claim “a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.”

PAAIA is proud of the Iranian American community for standing up for civil rights and liberties, and we will remain vigilant in responding to measures that unfairly target our community. Along with several prominent Iranian American organizations, PAAIA filed a joint action lawsuit in federal court to stop the ban. We will continue to work tirelessly with our coalition partners to ensure liberties and freedom are granted to all American citizens.

PAAIA wants to hear from you! It is important for us to know how the Trump administration is implementing this decision. If you or someone you know has or continues to experience travel restrictions due to today’s ruling, please share your story by contacting info@ This will help us stand against the Travel Ban as we continue to update you in our efforts to safeguard the rights of our community!

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